Permits, Licensing, and Applications

Board of Health Applications, Regulations & Fees


Body Art Establishments

Farmers' Market

Food Establishments
Funeral Director

Hens & Honey Bees

Hotel / Motel


Keeping of Animals

Mobile Food Vehicles

Recreational Camps

Residential Kitchens

Swimming Pools

Tanning Establishments

Temporary Food Events

Tobacco Products

Building Division / Inspectional Services 

Information and online Permitting for Building, Electric, Plumbing, Gas, or Sheet Metal Permits

City Clerk's Office

Business Certificates
Business Relocation
Dog & Cat Licenses
Filing for a Going out of Business Sale
Marriage Intentions
Raffle & Bazaar Permits
Storage of Flammables


If you are looking for information about getting a license in any of the categories below, please contact the City Clerk's Office by phone at 617-972-6486 or by emailing City Clerk.

Second Hand Dealer
Alcohol Licensing
Auto Dealer & Auto Repair Licensing
Block Parties (PDF)
Common Vic
Livery / Limo / Shuttle / Jitney / Hackney License
Open Air Parking
Sunday Entertainment
Underground Storage
Wine Malt Liquor Sales Licensing

Planning and Zoning

Current Planning, Application Materials, and more
Film Permit Application
Property Permitting and Code Enforcement Search
Planning Board & Zoning Board Application

Recreation Department

Permitting for Fields, Picnic Tables, and Grills

Senior Parking Permits

For Watertown residents 65 and older, parking permits are available for up to two hours of free parking at meters in municipal lots only, not for street parking. Permits are $3 for two years, and $2 for one year. Call the Senior Center to make an appointment for new permits; renewals can be processed over the phone at 617-972-6490.

Treasurer Collector's Office

Business Parking Passes