Technicians annually apply a larval control product to storm drains in order to reduce the mosquito species that is the primary vector for West Nile virus.
They carry bacteria, viruses, and protozoa that can transfer to humans and cause diseases such as West Nile Virus, Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE) from mosquitos, and Lyme disease from ticks.
Best Way to Protect Yourself & Your Family
The best way to protect yourself and your family from diseases such as West Nile Virus is to:
- Avoid mosquitos
- Mosquitos are most active from dusk to dawn
- Wear long-sleeved clothing
- Use insect repellents on exposed skin
- Always use repellents as directed by the product label
- Never use insect repellent on infants under 3 months
- Do not use oil of lemon eucalyptus products on children under 3 years old
- Never use permethrin products on skin
- When returning home, wash off repellent with water and soap.
- Install or repair screens in windows and doors
- Remove any standing water around your house
- Check for ticks daily
For additional general information, mosquito activity, and risk levels please check the Massachusetts Department of Public Health Website or the East Middlesex Mosquito Control Project Website.
Tick Removal Symptoms and Tick Prevention.
The Tick management Handbook: Connecticut Agricultural Station: Information ticks, tick borne illnesses, tick Prevention, Identification and removal (PDF)
University of Rhode Island (URI) Tick Encounter
Massachusetts Department of Public Health Tick-Borne Disease Prevention Resources