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- Highland Avenue Reconstruction
Highland Avenue Reconstruction
Highland Ave Residents Walkthrough with the City Manager on December 20, 2023
The City plans to reconstruct Highland Avenue, from Lexington Street to the City line just before Longfellow Road. The existing roadway pavement and gravel subbase materials will be ground up and reused to create a new "base" for the road and the road will then be repaved.
The work will also include new concrete sidewalks and driveway aprons located within the City's right-of-way lines. The goal of the project is to rake a "complete streets approach" to the road to provide a better sidewalks along Highland Avenue and will also include granite curbing, grass planting strips, new shade trees, and tree pits for stormwater treatment and at select locations.
Traffic calming techniques, such as raised intersections, will also be considered to reduce vehicular speeds on the street and improve pedestrian safety.
The project has been awarded to Newport Construction.
Schedule Updates:
- https://content.civicplus.com/api/assets/cd1aaedc-ec44-4e0c-bf25-178bc6d9efProject Schedule - Highland Ave and Chapman St - 2023-08-17
Additional Information:
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Concept plan
- Neighborhood Letter
- Residential Driveway Information
- Guide to the Planting Strip
- Winter Maintenance and Deicing (PDF)
Additional Documents:
- Complete Streets Prioritization Plan
- Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan
- Watertown Climate and Energy Plan
- Watertown Complete Streets Policy
- Tree Request Form
- Residential Driveway Information https://portal.laserfiche.com/Portal/DocView.aspx?id=17445&repo=r-5ece5628
- Guide to the Planting Strip https://www.watertown-ma.gov/asset/62bfe825-62cd-4401-9d7e-300a9b9b2a9d
- Winter Maintenance and Deicing