Irving Park Project

Project Information
Project StatusComplete
Project Featurespassive park, lawn, benches, small gathering space, prerenal beds
Funding SourceCommunity Preservation Committee (CPC)
City Department Department of Public Works (DPW) 
Department of Community Development and Planning (DCDP)
City CommitteesCommunity Preservation Committee (CPC)
Design TeamMDLA
Construction ContractorArgus Construction 


Design & Community MeetingsWinter 2022
Construction Spring 2023
CompletedSummer 2023

About the Irving Park Design & Construction Process

The Irving Park Project broke ground on March 23, 2023. The rehabilitations will include improvements for passive recreational opportunities as well as overall park beautification. Major aspects of the project include the installation of vertical granite curbing around the park perimeter and the installation of a paved central gathering area. Additionally, new benches, low bollard lighting, low fencing at both ends of the park and upgraded landscaping will be installed.

See Project Construction Pictures

a file #1

Groundbreaking photo: from left to right Mike Micieli - City of Watertown Tree Warden, Gregory St. Louis - City of Watertown Superintendent of Public Works, Peter Salem - Argus Construction, Nicholas Salem - Argus Construction, Bob Dirico – City of Watertown Parks Supervisor, Chris Golden – MDLA (Missing from the Photo, Mike D’Angelo – MDLA, Lanae Handy – City of Watertown CPC)

Design & Community Preservations

Community Meeting Recordings

Meeting Presentation PDFs