City Council Yearbook

The Board of Selectmen 1959

The Board of Selectmen 1959Selectman Philip Pane, Chairman of the Selectmen John Curran and Selectman Edward Seferian

Town Council 1981 to 1982

Town Council 1981 to 1982Top row, left to right: Council Clerk Gus Stiriti, Councilor Wayne MacDonald, Councilor William Oates. Councilor Mark Basile, Town Manager Peter Boyer, Councilor John Diliberto and Councilor Renato D. Ray Musetti

Bottom row, left to right: Councilor Roberta Miller, Vice President and Councilor Philip Pane, Council President and School Committee Member Louis Andrews and Councilor Marilyn Petitto Devaney

Town Council 1983 to 1984

Town Council 1983 to 1984Top row, left to right: Councilor John Diliberto, Council Clerk Andrea Siedlecki, Councilor Wayne MacDonald, Councilor Thomas Perry, Town Manager Peter Boyer, Councilor Pamela Piantedosi and Councilor Renator D. Ray Musetti,

Bottom row, left to right: Councilor Roberta Miller, Vice President and Councilor Philip Pane, Council President and School Committee Member J. Malcolm Whitney and Councilor Marilyn Petitto Devaney

Town Council 1985 to 1986

Town Council 1985 to 1986Top row, left to right: Councilor Victor Palladino, Jr., Town Manager Peter Boyer, Councilor Pamela Piantedosi, Councilor John Diliberto, Councilor Robert Ford and Councilor Renato D. Ray Musetti

Bottom row, left to right: Councilor Marilyn Petitto Devaney, Vice President and Councilor Philip Pane, Council President and School Committee Member Paul J. Hogan and Councilor Mariann Pannesi

Town Council 1988 to 1989

Town Council 1988 to 1989Top row, left to right: Council Clerk Valerie Papas, Councilor John Diliberto, Councilor Mark Basile, Councilor James Masteralexis, Councilor Victor Palladino, Jr., Councilor Paul Denning and Town Manager Rodney H. Irwin

Bottom row, left to right: Councilor Mariann Pannesi, Vice President and Councilor Renato D. Ray Musetti, Council President and School Committee Member Paul J. Hogan and Councilor Marilyn Petitto Devaney

Town Council 1990 to 1991

Town Council 1990 to 1991Top row, left to right: Councilor Victor Palladino, Jr., Town Manager Rodney H. Irwin, Councilor Paul Fahey, Councilor James Masteralexis, Councilor Paul Denning and Councilor Mark Basile

Bottom row, left to right: Councilor Renato D. Ray Musetti, Vice President Mariann Pannesi, Council President and School Committee Member John Diliberto, Councilor Marilyn Petitto Devaney and Council Clerk Denise Paone

Town Council 1992 to 1993

Town Council 1992 to 1993Top row, left to right: Councilor John M. Timperio, Councilor Paul J. Denning, Town Manager Joseph Painter, Councilor Thomas J. Stevens, Councilor Dikran M. Kaligian and Council Clerk Denise Paone

Bottom row, left to right: Councilor Rachel Kaprielian, Vice President and Councilor Mariann Pannesi, Council President and School Committee Member John Diliberto, Councilor Pamela Piantedosi and Councilor Marilyn Petitto Devaney

Town Council 1994 to 1995

Town Council 1994 to 1995Top row, left to right: Councilor Andrew Rudalevige, Councilor David Caruso, Councilor Rachel Kaprielian, Council Clerk Valerie Papas, Councilor Dikran M. Kaligian and Councilor Taso Daskalakis

Bottom row, left to right: Councilor Sandra Kasabian- Hoffman, Vice President and Councilor Paul J. Denning, Council President and School Committee Member Richard E Mastrangelo, Councilor Marilyn Petitto Devaney and Town Manager Michael J. Driscoll

Town Council 1996 to 1997

Town Council 1996 to 1997Top row, left to right: Councilor Stephen E Romanelli, Town Manager Michael J. Driscoll, Councilor Paul J. Denning, Council Clerk Valerie Papas, Councilor Salvatore Ciccarelli and Councilor Taso Daskalakis

Bottom row, left to right: Councilor Sandra Kasabian- Hoffman, Vice President and Councilor G. Jack Zollo, Council President and School Committee Member Richard E Mastrangelo, Councilor Mark Sideris and Councilor Marilyn Petitto Devaney

Town Council 1998 to 1999

Town Council 1998 to 1999Top row, left to right: Councilor Frederick Pugliese, Town Manager Michael J. Driscoll, Councilor Paul Denning, Councilor John Portz, Council Clerk Valerie Papas and Stephen E Romanelli

Bottom row, left to right: Councilor Sandra Kasabian- Hoffman, Vice President and Councilor Salvatore Ciccarelli, Council President and School Committee Member Clyde L. Younger, Councilor Alex Liazos and Councilor Marilyn Petitto Devaney

Town Council 2000 to 2001

Town Council 2000 to 2001Top row, left to right: Councilor Frederick Pugliese, Councilor John Portz, Council Clerk Valerie Papas, Councilor Alex Liazos, Town Manager Michael J. Driscoll and Councilor Stephen E Romanelli

Bottom row, left to right: Councilor Marilyn Petitto Devaney, Vice President and Councilor Salvatore Ciccarelli, Council President and School Committee Member Clyde L. Younger, Councilor Mark Sideris and Councilor Sandra Kasabian-Hoffman

Town Council 2001 to 2002

Town Council 2001 to 2002Top row, left to right: Councilor Stephen E Romanelli, Town Manager Michael J. Driscoll, Councilor Frederick Pugliese, Council Clerk Valerie Papas, Councilor Gus Bailey and Councilor John Portz

Bottom row, left to right: Councilor Sandra Kasabian-Hoffman, Vice President and Councilor Salvatore Ciccarelli, Council President and School Committee Member Clyde L. Younger, Councilor Mark Sideris and Councilor Marilyn Petitto Devaney

Town Council 2004 to 2005

Town Council 2004 to 2005Top row, left to right: Councilor Stephen E Romanelli, Councilor Frederick Pugliese, Councilor Mark Sideris, Councilor Marilyn Petitto Devaney, Councilor Gus Bailey and Councilor John Portz

Bottom row, left to right Town Manager Michael J. Driscoll, Vice President and Councilor Salvatore Ciccarelli, Council President and School Committee Member Pamela Piantedosi, Councilor Susan G. Falkoff and Council Clerk Valerie Papas

Town Council 2006 to 2007

Town Council 2006 to 2007Top row, left to right: Councilor Angeline B. Kounelis, Town Manager Michael J. Driscoll, Councilor Stephen E Romanelli, Councilor John A. Donohue, Councilor Marilyn Petitto Devaney and Council Clerk Valerie Papas

Bottom row, left to right: Councilor Jonathan Hecht, Vice President and Councilor Mark Sideris, Council President and School Committee Member Clyde L. Younger, Councilor John J. Lawn, Jr. and Councilor Stephen P. Corbett

Town Council 2008 to 2009

Town Council 2008 to 2009Top row, left to right: Councilor Stephen P. Corbett, Council Clerk Valerie Papas, Councilor Jonathan Hecht, Councilor Marilyn Petitto Devaney, Town Manager Michael J. Driscoll and Councilor John J. Lawn, Jr.

Bottom row, left to right: Councilor Angeline B. Kounelis Vice President and Councilor Mark Sideris, Council President and School Committee Member Clyde L. Younger, Councilor Vincent J. Piccirilli and Councilor Susan G. Falkoff

Town Council 2010 to 2011

Town Council 2010 to 2011Top row, left to right: Town Manager Michael J. Driscoll, Councilor Cecilia Lenk, Councilor Anthony Palomba, Councilor Vincent J. Piccirilli, Council Clerk Valerie Papas and Councilor John J. Lawn, Jr.

Bottom row, left to right: Councilor Angeline B. Kounelis, Vice President and Councilor Stephen P. Corbett, Council President and School Committee Member Mark Sideris, Councilor Susan G. Falkoff and Councilor John A. Donohue

Town Council 2012 to 2013

Town Council 2012 to 2013

Top row, left to right: Vice President and Councilor Stephen P. Corbett, Councilor Kenneth M. Woodland, Councilor John A. Donohue, Councilor Cecilia Lenk, Councilor Vincent J. Piccirilli, Councilor Anthony Palomba and Council Clerk Valerie Papas

Bottom row, left to right: Councilor Susan G. Falkoff, Council President and School Committee Member Mark Sideris, Councilor Angeline B. Kounelis and Town Manager Michael J. Driscoll

Town Council 2020 to 2021

a fileTop row, left to right: Lisa J. Feltner, Vincent J. Piccirilli, John G. Gannon, Anthony J. Donato, Caroline J. Bays, Kenneth M. Woodland

Bottom row, left to right: Angeline B. Kounelis, Mark Sideris, Anthony Palomba