Legal Notices



The City of Watertown is seeking contractors interested in Snow Plowing, Salting and Sanding. Contractors may now request application packages at the office of the Assistant Procurement Director, 149 Main Street, Watertown, MA, 02472 or at Parties interested in applying to be selected for Snow Plowing, Salting and Sanding work for the City of Watertown, MUST submit the following package to the Assistant Procurement Director.

1. Fill in & complete the two page “Snow Equipment Price List 2024-2025” for all equipment.
2. Fill in & complete the four-page City of Watertown Contract
3. Fill in & sign the attached W-9 tax form
4. Provide evidence of Liability Insurance coverage, for the categories & dollar amounts listedon page two of the Contract. This certificate MUST name the City of Watertown as theCertificate Holder. The policy coverage period must cover the entire period of this contract.*

*NEW FOR 2024-2025 SEASON**






Partial or incomplete application packages will not be accepted. Once a completed application package is received, it will be reviewed by the Department of Public Works. Snow Plowing services are exempt from bidding pursuant to Massachusetts General Law chapter 30B, section 1(b)(17). If your application is approved, the City of Watertown Procurement Department will then sign & process the contract that you returned in your application and send a completed copy back to you for your records.

All snow contractors that are successfully contracted by the City of Watertown acknowledge and agree that they are acting as an independent contractor for all work and services rendered pursuant to the signed contract, and shall not be considered an employee or agent of the City of Watertown for any purpose. In addition, all contractors shall indemnify, defend, and hold the City actions, costs, and expenses, including attorney’s fees, arising out of the Contractor’s breach of this Contract or the negligence or misconduct of the Contractor, or the Contractor’s agents or employees.

The City of Watertown reserves the right to reject any and all offers for service or to waive any informality in the procedures, if deemed in the City’s best interest. Application packages will be available beginning October 10, 2024, Preference will be given to those applications received by October 29, 2024. Applications may be obtained electronically online, at no cost, by completing the registration page on the City’s website at Scroll to the project title and, at the bottom of the project description, click on the link titled “Link to request bid materials”. If you have any questions on how to register, please email:

Office Hours: M, W, Th 8:30am – 5:00pm, Tuesday 8:30am-7:00p, Fridays 8:30am-12:30pm

Pamela McGoldrick, MCPPO
Assistant Procurement Director
City of Watertown 149 Main Street
Watertown, MA 02472


Watertown Zoning Board of Appeals Public Hearing: Wednesday, October 23, 2024, with the meeting starting at 7:00 p.m. Council Chambers, Administration Building, 149 Main St., Watertown, MA. This is in-person, and with remote access link on the Agenda 48 hours prior to the meeting. Please note that the Planning Board is scheduled to hold a public meeting on Wednesday, October 9, 2024, at 7:00 p.m. to make an advisory recommendation to the Zoning Board of Appeals. 

1 Rosary Drive/Siena Village Condominium, Unit 61-:Petitioner, Stephen P. Corbett (Owner: Dominican Sisters of Peace, INC)- Requests the Zoning Board of Appeals grant an amendment to a Special Permit and a Special Permit Finding to amend the site plans of the entire site by including three new buildings comprising a single family dwelling and two new detached two-family dwellings in accordance with §5.01.1 all in the location of the existing convent, to be demolished (1 Rosary Dr or Condominium Unit 61). The petitioner also requests multiple Variances in accordance with §9.04 for relief from §5.04 Table of Dimensional Regulations for the proposed (1) increased northerly side/rear yard setback of 18’ (existing 17.8’) where 30’/50’ (side/rear) is required; (2) decreased building coverage of 15.9% (existing 17.8%) where 15% is required; (3 ) decreased impervious coverage of 52.8% (existing 53.5%) where 35% is required; (4) increased open space of 47.2% (existing 46.5%) where 65% is required; (5) decreased lot area per dwelling unit of 3,985 SF (existing 4223 SF) where 10,000 SF per dwelling unit is required (there are currently 59 townhouses and 25 units in the former St Joseph’s Hall, on a 354,736 SF lot, and the convent which is an exempt use is not considered a dwelling(s) per the WZO). Located in the CR (Cluster Residential Zoning District. ZBA-2024-13


Sealed bids for construction of the CIP Project 2 Rehabilitations, Contract No. 2025-26 for the City of Watertown, Massachusetts, will be received at the Office of the Purchasing Agent, 149 Main Street, Watertown, Massachusetts 02472 until 11 :30 AM prevailing time, on Wednesday, October 23, 2024 at which time and place said bids will be publicly opened and read aloud.

The approximate scope of work includes but is not necessarily limited to:

Open cut repair of 169 l.f. of sewer, replacement of three (3) sewer service connections, installation of two (2) manholes, open cut repair of 176 l.f. of drain, installation of 26,062 l.f. of structural cured-in-place pipe and reinstatement of 514 services, grouting of 253 service connections, cutting 53 protruding service connections, cementitious lining of 929 v .f. of manholes, installation of seven (7) manhole frame and covers, locating and raising of three (3) manhole frame and covers, building of 17 manhole bench and inverts, removing and plugging of four (4) abandoned sewers, installation of five (5) vertical feet of internal drop connections, installation of three (3) lateral liners, and cleaning and inspection of 1,495 l.f. of sewer and drain.

The work must be brought to substantial completion, exclusive of final paving and warranty re-test inspection, within 215 calendar days of the start date fixed in the "Notice to Proceed." The Contractor shall complete warranty re-test inspection within 45 calendar days of the commencement of the warranty re-test inspection. Time is of the essence in the performance of the work of this contract. Bidders' attention is directed to the provisions in the Project Manual regarding the assessment of liquidated damages for failure to complete the work within the time specified.

The Bidder further agrees to pay as liquidated damages the sum of $1,000.00 for each consecutive calendar day thereafter during which the work has not been fully completed, as provided in the "Liquidated Damages" provisions of Section 0800 SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS. Liquidated damages shall also apply to the warranty re-test durations.

Bid Security in the form of a bid bond, cash, certified check, treasurer's or cashier's check payable to the Owner, is required in the amount of five percent of the bid amount, in accordance with Section 00200, INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS.

The Instructions to Bidders, Form of General Bid, Agreement, Plans, Specifications, Performance and Payment Bond, and other Contract Documents may be obtained electronically online at no cost by completing the registration page on the city's website at Scroll to the project title, and at the bottom of the project description, click on the link titled "Link to request bid materials". If you have any questions on how to register, please email: beginning Wednesday, October 2, 2024.

Every request for interpretation should be in writing and sent via email to and and to be given consideration must be received at least seven (7) working days prior to the date fixed for the opening of bids.

The selected contractor shall furnish a performance bond and a payment bond in amount at least equal to one hundred percent (100%) of the contract price as stipulated in Section 00700 GENERAL CONDITIONS of these specifications.

Minority-owned Business Enterprise (MBE), Women-owned Business Enterprise (WBE) and Equal Employment Opportunity polices of the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority (MWRA) are applicable to this Contract. The Bidder shall comply with all applicable laws and regulations pertaining to nondiscrimination, equal opportunity and affirmative action, including without limitation executive orders and rules and regulations of federal and state agencies of competent jurisdiction. The Bidder shall make positive efforts to achieve: (1) a minority employee work force goal of 15.3 percent, (2) a woman employee work force goal of 6.90 percent, (3) a goal of 7.24 percent participation of Minority-owned Business Enterprise(s), and (4) a goal of 3.60 percent participation of Woman-owned Business Enterprise(s) within project contracts. All MBEs and WBEs shall be certified with the Supplier of Diversity Office (SDO).

All bids for this project are subject to applicable bidding laws of Massachusetts, including General Laws Chapter 30, Section 39M as amended.

Prevailing Wage Rates as determined by the Director of the Executive Office of Labor and Workforce Development under the provisions of the Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 149, Section 26 to 27H, as amended, apply to this project. It is the responsibility of the Bidder, before bid opening, to request if necessary, any additional information on Prevailing Wage Rates for those trades people who may be employed for the proposed work under this contract.

By submission of a bid, the Bidder agrees that this bid shall be good and may not be withdrawn for a period of 30 days, Saturdays, Sundays and legal holidays excluded after the opening of bids.

The Owner reserves the right to waive any informalities in bids and to reject any or all bids.

Brian Wyncoop, CGA, MCPPO

Weston & Sampson Engineers, Inc.
Reading, Massachusetts

Public Hearing Notice for Zoning Amendments

Joint City Council & Planning Board Hearing 
Wednesday, October 16, 2024 at 6:30 PM 
Watertown Free Public Library - Watertown Savings Bank Room 
123 Main Street, Watertown, MA 02472 

To consider adoption of Watertown Square Area Zoning Amendments 

The Watertown Planning Board and Watertown City Council have opted to hold a joint public hearing, pursuant to G.L. c. 40A S. 5, on Wednesday, October 16, 2024 at 6:30 PM (to be continued as needed) at the Watertown Free Public Library, Watertown Savings Bank Room, 123 Main Street, Watertown, MA in-person, with an option for remote access. Remote access details will be on the agenda to be posted (on-line under meetings tab at or at the Office of the City Clerk) at least 48 hours before the meeting. 

The purpose of the public hearing is to consider Zoning Ordinance and Map amendments to implement the Watertown Square Area Plan, adopted July 2024, and make other complementary changes generally summarized below. Amendments being considered create new zoning districts in place of the entire Central Business District, the Limited Business District to the west and directly to the east of Watertown Square as well as to the south (across Charles River), and the R.75 zoning district directly to the north. In this area, there are also portions of industrial and residential zones (T, R.75 and 1.2) being replaced or assigned new zones, and deleting the Revitalization Overlay and Watertown Square Design Overlay Districts, all in-keeping with the Watertown Square Area Plan. In addition, the zoning updates create a by right multi-family overlay zoning district for compliance with Chapter 40A, Section 3A, and makes such other changes as needed to integrate the new zoning into the Ordinance. 

Amendments being considered also make the following changes that apply city-wide: revise site plan review process and criteria; consolidate and add sustainability requirements and guidelines; allow accessory dwelling units for compliance with Chapter 40A, Section 3; provide special permit criteria for reducing parking requirements below the minimum or increasing parking supply above the maximum; and increase the time period for use of a special permit to three years as allowed by Chapter 40A, Section 9. 

The amendments add and amend language as necessary, including to certain definitions in Article II, Article III including Sections 3.01-3.03, certain provisions in Article IV, Article V including Sections 5.00-5.05, 5.08, 5.09, 5.13, 5.15 and 5.17, Article VI including Sections 6.01-6.04 and 6.07, Article VII including Sections 7.03, 7.06, 7.08, 7.10 and 7.11-7.13, Article VIII including Sections 8.0-8.01, and Article IX including Sections 9.01-9.05 and 9.12-9.13. The amendments would also replace the Zoning Map, dated January 30, 1989 (as last amended January 28, 2020) with a new Zoning Map adding and deleting zoning districts as described in the amendment language. 

The approximate geographic area being considered for new zoning includes: 1) West Main St corridor (the blocks the length of Main St. from Olney St. to Green St.); 2) Watertown Square Area (including from Green St/Whites Av. to the west, Summer St./Spring St./Palfrey St./Patten St./Gilkey Ct. to the northeast, along the north side of Arsenal St. to Beachwood to the east, south side of Arsenal St. along Beacon Park, south to N Beacon St./Royal St./Riverside St./Thurston Rd. on the east/south/westerly, and along the Charles River along the southerly side to Conant Rd./Green St.), and 3) Southside (Aldrich Rd. to west, Charles River/Nonantum Rd. to north and east, City Boundary to east and south, and the blocks west of Galen St to Aldrich Rd.) 

A copy of the full text of zoning amendments and a current and revised zoning map is available on the city website ( and at the offices of the Department of Community Development and Planning during regular business hours. 

Published, Posted, and Mailed: 10/2/2024 


In accordance with the Demolition Delay Ordinance, the Watertown Historical Commission will hold a remote meeting and hearing- October 10, 2024 at 7 PM to determine if the house at 44 Pilgrim Rd. is preferably preserved and if a demolition delay will be imposed. Confirm the meeting link on the agenda, 48 hours prior to the meeting.


In accordance with the Demolition Delay Ordinance, the Watertown Historical Commission will hold a remote meeting and hearing- October 10, 2024 at 7 PM to determine if the house at 44 Pilgrim Rd. is preferably preserved and if a demolition delay will be imposed. Confirm the meeting link on the agenda, 48 hours prior to the meeting.


Watertown Planning Board Public Hearing: Wednesday, October 9, 2024, 7:00 p.m. Council Chamber, Administration Building, 149 Main St., Watertown, MA, in person and with remote access, with link on the Agenda posted 48 hours prior to the meeting.

446, 458, 500 and 550 Arsenal St - Alexandria Real Estate Equities, Inc (ARE); Requests approval of the “Watertown Mall Transformation Project” Final Site Plan Review of Phase 1 of the approved Master Plan Special Permit (PB 2023-01). This Phase includes redevelopment of 500 Arsenal St to construct two office/laboratory “Life Science” buildings (with approximately 318, 500 gross floor area), a food and beverage amenity building (approximately 8000 gross floor area), and related site landscape and amenities, in keeping with the Master Plan Special Permit. This Phase includes a temporary parking lot at 446-458 Arsenal St which will be replaced with a building in a future phase, under §5.18 RMUD Regional Mixed Use District; §5.18 (h)5 and §9.03-Final Site Plan Review of Phase 1. Located in the RMUD (Regional Mixed Use District) Zoning District. Planning Board PZ-24-2.


The City of Watertown (MA) is soliciting bids from experienced plumbing contractors to perform plumbing services for all municipal and school buildings and projects, both on an as-needed basis and an emergency basis. The City of Watertown may select up to three (3) qualified contractors to perform such services. Qualified contractors are requested to submit their proposals to the Procurement Department, Watertown City Hall, 149 Main Street, Watertown, MA, in accordance with the instructions contained within the Invitation for Bids (IFB).

Qualified contractors may obtain a complete copy of the IFB starting on Wednesday, August 28, 2024. Copies may be obtained electronically online, at no cost, by completing the registration page on the City’s website at Scroll to the project title and, at the bottom of the project description, click on the link titled “Link to request bid materials”. If you have any questions on how to register, please email:

The City will only accept proposals delivered in person or by mail.  All proposals must be received by 11:00 a.m. on Wednesday, September 25, 2024 to be considered.

The City of Watertown may cancel this IFB or reject in whole or in part any and all proposals, if they determine that cancellation or rejection serves the best interest of the City of Watertown.


The City of Watertown (MA) invites proposals from MassSave participating Home Performance Contractors (HPC) to provide marketing support, customer intake and triage, and direct service related to the ongoing campaign to promote and coordinate delivery of energy assessments, weatherization and HVAC upgrades in 1-4 family residential buildings. Qualified contractors are requested to submit their proposals to the Procurement Department, Watertown City Hall, 149 Main Street, Watertown, MA, in accordance with the instructions contained within the Request for Proposals (RFP).

Qualified individuals/firms may obtain a complete copy of the RFP starting on Wednesday, August 28, 2024. Copies may be obtained electronically online, at no cost, by completing the registration page on the City’s website at Scroll to the project title and, at the bottom of the project description, click on the link titled “Link to request bid materials”. If you have any questions on how to register, please email:

All proposals must be received by 11:00 a.m. on Tuesday, September 24, 2024 to be considered.

The City of Watertown may cancel this RFP or reject in whole or in part any and all proposals, if they determine that cancellation or rejection serves the best interest of the City of Watertown.


The City of Watertown (MA) is soliciting bids from qualified contractors to perform exterior and interior painting services, and any associated work, on an on-call basis at municipal and school buildings. The City of Watertown may select up to three (3) qualified individuals/firms to perform such services. Qualified contractors are requested to submit their proposals to the Procurement Department, Watertown City Hall, 149 Main Street, Watertown, MA, in accordance with the instructions contained within the Invitation for Bids (IFB).

Qualified contractors may obtain a complete copy of the IFB starting on Wednesday, August 28, 2024. Copies may be obtained electronically online, at no cost, by completing the registration page on the City’s website at Scroll to the project title and, at the bottom of the project description, click on the link titled “Link to request bid materials”. If you have any questions on how to register, please email:

The City will only accept proposals delivered in person or by mail. All proposals must be received by 10:00 a.m. on Wednesday, September 25, 2024 to be considered.

The City of Watertown may cancel this IFB or reject in whole or in part any and all proposals, if they determine that cancellation or rejection serves the best interest of the City of Watertown.


The City of Watertown (MA) is soliciting bids from experienced electrical contractors to perform electrical services for all municipal and school buildings and projects, both on an as-needed basis and an emergency basis. The City of Watertown may select up to three (3) qualified contractors to perform such services.  Qualified contractors are requested to submit their proposals to the Procurement Department, Watertown City Hall, 149 Main Street, Watertown, MA, in accordance with the instructions contained within the Invitation for Bids (IFB).

Qualified contractors may obtain a complete copy of the IFB starting on Wednesday, August 28, 2024. Copies may be obtained electronically online, at no cost, by completing the registration page on the City’s website at Scroll to the project title and, at the bottom of the project description, click on the link titled “Link to request bid materials”. If you have any questions on how to register, please email:

The City will only accept proposals delivered in person or by mail.  All proposals must be received by 10:30 a.m. on Wednesday, September 25, 2024 to be considered.

The City of Watertown may cancel this IFB or reject in whole or in part any and all proposals, if they determine that cancellation or rejection serves the best interest of the City of Watertown.


In accordance with the Demolition Delay Ordinance, the Watertown Historical Commission will hold a remote meeting and hearing- September 14, 2024, at 7 PM to determine if the house at 15 Pilgrim Rd. is preferably preserved and if a demolition delay will be imposed.  Confirm the meeting link on the agenda, 48 hours prior to the meeting.

Request for Qualifications for On-Call Owner’s Project Manager Services

The City of Watertown (MA) invites proposals from qualified individuals/firms for On-Call Owner’s Project Manager Services associated with performing various municipal construction and/or renovation projects, as needed, for a three-year period. The City of Watertown may select up to three (3) qualified individuals/firms to perform such services. Qualified individuals/firms are requested to submit their proposals to the Procurement Department, Watertown City Hall, 149 Main Street, Watertown, MA, in accordance with the instructions contained within the Request for Qualifications (RFQ).

Qualified individuals/firms may obtain a complete copy of the RFQ starting on Wednesday, August 14, 2024. Copies may be obtained electronically online, at no cost, by completing the registration page on the City’s website at Scroll to the project title and, at the bottom of the project description, click on the link titled “Link to request bid materials”. If you have any questions on how to register, please email:

All proposals must be received by 11:00 a.m. on Wednesday, September 11, 2024 to be considered.

The City of Watertown may cancel this RFQ or reject in whole or in part any and all proposals, if they determine that cancellation or rejection serves the best interest of the City of Watertown.


Watertown Zoning Board of Appeals Public Hearing: Wednesday, August 28, 2024, with the meeting starting at 7:00 p.m. Council Chambers, Administration Building, 149 Main St., Watertown, MA. This is in-person, and with remote access link on the Agenda 48 hours prior to the meeting. Please note that the Planning Board is scheduled to hold a public meeting on Wednesday, August 14, 2024, at 7:00 p.m. to make an advisory recommendation to the Zoning Board of Appeals.

6 Church Hill St-William T Conti requests a Special Permit in accordance with §5.01 (e) for the construction of a new three-family dwelling (existing 2266 sq ft lot expanded to 2797 sq ft). The project would include demolition of an existing single-family structure. Central Business (CB) Zoning District. ZBA-2024-09.

12 Church Hill St- The owner, Brianna LLC, through its manager, William T Conti, requests a Special Permit in accordance with §5.01 (e) for the construction of a new three-family dwelling (existing 3373 sq ft lot decreased to 2840 sq ft). The project would include the demolition of an existing two-family structure. Central Business (CB) Zoning District. ZBA-2024-10.


The City of Watertown (MA) is soliciting bids from qualified contractors to perform preventative maintenance and as-needed repairs of the HVAC units located in all municipal and school buildings. The City of Watertown may select up to three (3) qualified individuals/firms to perform such services.  Qualified contractors are requested to submit their proposals to the Procurement Department, Watertown City Hall, 149 Main Street, Watertown, MA, in accordance with the instructions contained within the Invitation for Bids (IFB).

Qualified contractors may obtain a complete copy of the IFB starting on Wednesday, July 31, 2024. Copies may be obtained electronically online, at no cost, by completing the registration page on the City’s website at Scroll to the project title and, at the bottom of the project description, click on the link titled “Link to request bid materials”. If you have any questions on how to register, please email:

The City will only accept proposals delivered in person or by mail.  All proposals must be received by 11:00 a.m. on Wednesday, August 21, 2024 to be considered.

The City of Watertown may cancel this IFB or reject in whole or in part any and all proposals, if they determine that cancellation or rejection serves the best interest of the City of Watertown.


Watertown Zoning Board of Appeals Public Hearing: Wednesday, July 24, 2024, at 7:00 p.m. Council Chambers, Administration Building, 149 Main St., Watertown, MA in-person with remote access link on the Agenda 48 hours prior to the meeting.

87 Bromfield St-Amadou Gallo Thiam requests a Special Permit Finding in accordance with §4.06 (a)Alteration of Non-Conforming Structures to allow construction within pre-existing non-conforming front and both side yard setbacks to construct a full second story and a new half story within a new roof. Single Family (S-6) Zoning District. ZBA-2024-11.


Watertown Zoning Board of Appeals Public Hearing: Wednesday, July 24, 2024, with the meeting starting at 7:00 p.m. Council Chambers, Administration Building, 149 Main St., Watertown, MA in-person with remote access link on the Agenda 48 hours prior to the meeting.

9-11-13 Boyd St- First Path Daycare Inc. d/b/a First Path Day Care Center (Owner: The University Prints Building, LLC) requests the Zoning Board of Appeals to hear and rule on an Appeal of the Issuance of a Building Permit if, and only to the extent, it incorporates the conditions found in the December 20, 2023 decision of the Planning Board on Site Plan Review, in accordance with Section 9.19 of the Watertown Zoning Ordinance (WZO) specific to the application § 9.03 and 9.19 of the WZO; M.G.L. c. 40A, sections 3, 8,13, 14, and 15. Located in the Two-Family (T) Zoning District. ZBA 2024-12.


Sealed bids for the Saltonstall Park Improvements Project Contract No. 2024-092 for the City of Watertown, Massachusetts, will be received at the Office of the Chief Procurement Officer, 149 Main Street, Watertown, MA 02472, until 11:00 am prevailing time, on July 24, 2024, at which time and place said bids will be publicly opened and read aloud.

The scope of work includes removal and disposal of existing concrete pavement, stairs, rails, walls, footings, light poles, site furniture, plant material, trees and stockpiling of existing granite curb for reuse.  New construction includes new concrete and brick paving, concrete walls with granite cap stones and integral lighting, concrete ramps and granite stairs with metal handrails and site furniture.  A new shade structure will be built from structural steel members and glu-laminated beams supporting a flexible PTFE membrane roof.

Bidders may obtain sets of bid contract documents starting on Wednesday, June 26, 2024. Copies may be obtained electronically online at no cost by completing the registration page on the City’s website at  Scroll to the project title, and at the bottom of the project description, click on the link titled “Link to request bid materials”.  If you have any questions on how to register, please email: Addenda will be sent via email to all plan holders that have registered with the website. 

The minimum wages to be paid for all labor on the project are established in a schedule issued by the Department of Labor and Workforce Development.


In accordance with the Demolition Delay Ordinance, the Watertown Historical Commission will hold a remote meeting and hearing- July 11, 2024, at 7 PM, to determine if the house at 20 Keith St. is preferably preserved and if a demolition delay will be imposed.  Confirm the meeting link on the agenda, 48 hours prior to the meeting.


In accordance with the Demolition Delay Ordinance, the Watertown Historical Commission will hold a remote meeting and hearing- July 11, 2024, at 7 PM, to determine if the house at 100 Beechwood Ave. is preferably preserved and if a demolition delay will be imposed.  Confirm the meeting link on the agenda, 48 hours prior to the meeting.


The Community Preservation Committee (CPC) of the City of Watertown will hold a PUBLIC HEARING, Thursday, July 18, 2024, 7:00 PM in the City Hall, City Council Chamber. For meeting agenda and access information, visit

On November 8, 2016, Watertown residents voted to adopt the Community Preservation Act (CPA), which allows cities and towns to raise funds through a surcharge on local real estate taxes to create a CPA Program. The Watertown Community Preservation Committee will report on its program through a public hearing as required by MGL Chapter 44B, CPA statute amendment. This hearing is an opportunity for the public to learn more about the CPA program and to identify needs, resources, and opportunities related to potential open space, outdoor recreation, community housing, and historic preservation projects.


Watertown Zoning Board of Appeals Public Hearing: Wednesday, June 26, 2024, at 7:00 p.m. Council Chambers, Administration Building, 149 Main St., Watertown, MA in-person with remote access link on the Agenda 48 hours prior to the meeting.

8-10 York Ave-Carolyn Day requests a Special Permit Finding in accordance with §4.06(a) Alteration of Non-Conforming Structures to allow construction within pre-existing non-conforming left side and front setbacks and increase building coverage to rebuild and extend the existing garage and enclose the existing second floor covered rear porch. Located in the Two-Family (T) Zoning District. ZBA 2024-08.


Watertown Zoning Board of Appeals Public Hearing: Wednesday, June 26, 2024, at 7:00 p.m. Council Chambers, Administration Building, 149 Main St., Watertown, MA in-person with remote access link on the Agenda 48 hours prior to the meeting.

133 School St-Jacqueline Sharon requests a Special Permit Finding in accordance with §4.06(a) Alteration of Non-Conforming Structures to allow increase in the pre-existing non-conforming FAR (Floor Area Ratio) to construct an access staircase and finish the attic of an existing two-family house. Located in the Two-Family (T) Zoning District. ZBA 2024-07.


The CITY OF WATERTOWN, by and through the Watertown Historical Commission, is seeking responses from qualified historic preservation consultants to undertake the “Southside Historic Properties Survey.” Responses must be received at the Procurement Department, Watertown Administration Building, 149 Main Street, Watertown, Massachusetts 02472, on or before 11 AM, July 3, 2024.

The CITY OF WATERTOWN will award a contract resulting from this solicitation to the responsible vendor whose offer meets the stated requirements for project experience, sample products, qualifications, project approach, client references, and the lowest price. 

Bidders may obtain sets of bid contract documents starting on June 5, 2024. Copies may be obtained electronically online at no cost by completing the registration page on the City’s website at Scroll to the project title, and at the bottom of the project description, click on the link titled “Link to request bid materials”. If you have any questions on how to register, please email: Addenda will be sent via email to all plan holders that have registered with the website.

Vendors must meet the following minimum qualifications: a Bachelor’s degree in Historic Preservation, Architectural History, History, Art History, or a closely related field, plus at least five years full time experience in an area relevant to the project; or a Master’s degree in any of the above-mentioned areas and at least three years full-time experience in an area relevant to the project.

Questions regarding the RFQ must be written and e-mailed to .

Brian Wyncoop
Chief Procurement Officer


In accordance with the Demolition Delay Ordinance, the Watertown Historical Commission will hold a remote meeting and hearing- June 13, 2024, at 5 PM, relating to the building permit applications for the house at 12 Cuba Street. The hearing is to determine if the structures/elements/features removed or to be removed are preferably preserved and if a demolition delay on the removal(s) will be imposed. Confirm the meeting link on the agenda, 48 hours prior to the meeting.


In accordance with the Demolition Delay Ordinance, the Watertown Historical Commission will hold a remote meeting and hearing- June 13, 2024, at 5 PM, to determine if the house at 172 Westminster Ave. is preferably preserved and if a demolition delay will be imposed.  Confirm the meeting link on the agenda, 48 hours prior to the meeting.


In accordance with the Demolition Delay Ordinance, the Watertown Historical Commission will hold a remote meeting and hearing- June 13, 2024, at 5 PM, to determine if the house at 45 Maplewood Ave. is preferably preserved and if a demolition delay will be imposed.

Confirm the meeting link on the agenda, 48 hours prior to the meeting.

Invitation to Bid: ADA Self-Evaluation and Transition Plan

The City of Watertown (MA) is soliciting bids from qualified individuals/firms to conduct a self-evaluation and transition plan in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).   Qualified individuals/firms are requested to submit their proposals to the Procurement Department, Watertown City Hall, 149 Main Street, Watertown, MA, in accordance with the instructions contained within the Invitation for Bids (IFB).

Qualified individuals/firms may obtain a complete copy of the IFB starting on Wednesday, May 29, 2024. Copies may be obtained electronically online, at no cost, by completing the registration page on the City’s website at Scroll to the project title and, at the bottom of the project description, click on the link titled “Link to request bid materials”. If you have any questions on how to register, please email:

All proposals must be received by 11:00 a.m. on Thursday, June 13, 2024 to be considered.

The City of Watertown may cancel this IFB or reject in whole or in part any and all proposals, if they determine that cancellation or rejection serves the best interest of the City of Watertown.

REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL: “Café” For Watertown Free Public Library

The City of Watertown is seeking Proposals and sealed Price Proposals for “Cafe” Services at the Watertown Free Public Library. Cafe Services will be effective July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025, renewable for two (2) years subject to the discretion of the City of Watertown, to complete a three-year term ending June 30, 2027.  The City of Watertown reserves the right to reject any and all proposals.

The selected firm shall have demonstrated previous experience in providing Café Services as specified in the RFP.  Proposers may obtain complete sets of RFP Contract Documents starting on Wednesday, May 22nd, 2024. Copies may be obtained electronically online, at no cost, by completing the registration page on the City’s website at . Scroll to the project title and, at the bottom of the project description, click on the link titled “Link to request bid materials”. If you have any questions on how to register, please email: Addenda will be sent via email to all plan holders that have registered with our website.  No late submissions will be accepted.  It is recommended that respondents to this request familiarize themselves with the detailed RFP. 

It is the intent of the Awarding Authority to award a contract within twenty (20) days after receiving the proposals.  This service is being procured according to MGL. 30B. 

The deadline for submitting proposals to the City of Watertown Procurement Department, Administration Building, 149 Main Street, Watertown, MA, 02472, is 11:00 a.m., Wednesday, June 5, 2024.  This is not a public bid opening.


Sealed bids for furnishing the following item will be received at the Office of the Chief Procurement Officer, Watertown City Hall, Procurement Department, 149 Main Street, Watertown, MA 02472 until the time specified below at which time the bids will be publicly opened and read.

Bidders may obtain sets of Contract Documents starting on Wednesday, May 15, 2024. Copies may be obtained electronically online, at no cost, by completing the registration page on the City’s website at Scroll to the project title and, at the bottom of the project description, click on the link titled “Link to request bid materials”. If you have any questions on how to register, please email: Addenda will be sent via email to all plan holders that have registered with our website.

Bids will be opened in the Office of the Chief Procurement Officer on June 5, 2024, at 11:00 a.m. Each Bid must be accompanied by a bid security consisting of a BID BOND, CASH, or, CERTIFIED CHECK issued by a responsible bank or trust company in the amount of 5% of the bid price.

All bidders must be pre-qualified by the Massachusetts Department of Transportation as follows. The MassDOT Prequalification Office will provide the City with an official and a waiver contractor bid list for all contractors prequalified in the specified class of work within the parameters of this project. Only those bidders listed in the official or waiver contractor lists issued by the MassDOT Prequalification Office will be allowed to obtain an official proposal book. MassDOT prequalification of contractors with the class of work as, Highway Construction, for the project with an estimated value of $2,340,299.50 will be required.

A performance bond in an amount equal to 100 percent of the total amount of the contract price with a surety company qualified to do business in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts will be required for the faithful performance of the contract, as well as a labor and materials bond in an amount equal to 100 percent of the total contract price. All bids for this project are subject to applicable public bidding laws of Massachusetts, including, but not limited to G.L. c.30, §39M.

There will be no pre-bid meeting for this project.

Attention is directed to the minimum wage rates to be paid as determined by the Commissioner of Labor and Workforce Development and the weekly payroll record submittal requirements under the provisions of Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 149, Section 26 through 27D inclusive.

Selection of the contractor will be based upon bidder qualifications, including evidence of past performance in similar projects, and bid price. The contract will be awarded to the bidder deemed by the awarding authority to be the lowest responsible and eligible bidder. The bidder agrees that its bid shall be good and may not be withdrawn for a period of 90 days, Saturdays, Sundays and legal holidays excluded, after the opening of the bids.

The City reserves the right to waive any informalities, to accept or reject, in whole or in part any or all bids, or take whatever other action may be deemed to be in the best interest of the City.

City of Watertown

Brian Wyncoop
Chief Procurement Officer


City of Watertown Historic District Commission -Remote Public Hearing - May 23, 2022, 7 p.m. at 200 Mt Auburn/9 Russell Ave. to permit installation of a freestanding sign mounted on a wooden post for a daycare center. Confirm meeting location (remote link) on the agenda 48 hours prior to the meeting.


In accordance with the Demolition Delay Ordinance, the Watertown Historical Commission will hold a remote meeting and hearing- May 9, 2024, at 7 PM, to determine if the house and garage at 221 Acton St. is preferably preserved and if a demolition delay will be imposed. Confirm the meeting link on the agenda, 48 hours prior to meeting.


The City of Watertown, at 149 Main Street, Watertown, Massachusetts, the Awarding Authority, invites sealed bids for the HVAC Upgrade project at the Watertown Middle School Ground Floor and First Floor, 68 Waverley Avenue, Watertown, Massachusetts, in accordance with Contract Documents prepared by Gienapp Architects, LLC, 20 Conant Street, Danvers, MA 01923.

Bidding procedures and award of the Contract will be in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 149 of the General Laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, as amended.

The estimated cost of the project is $2,500,000.00

Each general bid on this Contract must be accompanied by a copy of a Certificate of Eligibility issued by the Massachusetts Division of Capital Asset Management showing that the bidder has the classification and capacity rating to perform the work required. In order to be eligible to bid on this Contract, a general bidder must be certified in an amount sufficient for their bid. The general bidder must be certified in General Building Construction. Each bid must also be accompanied by a Contractor Qualification Statement Update. The Awarding Authority will furnish copies of the Contractor Qualification Statement Update form to any bidder on request. Any bid submitted without the appropriate Certificate of Eligibility and Contractor Qualification Statement Update shall be invalid.

Each general bid and each filed sub-bid shall be submitted and will be considered in accordance with the Instructions to Bidders and the other Contract Documents, and shall be accompanied by a bid bond (a) in form satisfactory to the Awarding Authority substantially conforming to the sample contained in the Contract Documents, (b) with a surety company qualified to do business in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and satisfactory to the Awarding Authority, and (c) conditioned upon the faithful performance by the principal of the agreements contained in the bid; or cash; or a certified check; or a treasurer's check; or by cashier's check; issued by a responsible bank or trust company, made payable to the City of Watertown, in an amount not less than five percent (5%) of the bid amount.

Sealed bids shall be submitted on a form furnished by the Awarding Authority and clearly identified as a bid, endorsed with the name and address of the bidder, the name of the project, “Watertown Middle School Ground Floor and First Floor HVAC Upgrade”, and submitted to:

Brian Wyncoop, Chief Procurement Officer
Watertown City Hall
149 Main Street
Watertown, MA 02472

received no later than the times set forth below, when they will forthwith be publicly opened and read aloud at this location.

Sealed bids for the sub-trades designated below will be received until Wednesday, May 8th, 2024 at 11:00am.

Sealed bids for the General Contract will be received until Thursday, May 16th, 2024 at 11:00 am.

All bids may be mailed or hand-delivered to the above specified receiving address prior to the time specified hereunder, in accordance with the procedures set forth in the INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS.

Advertisement for On-Call Architect/Design Services

The City of Watertown (MA) invites proposals from qualified individuals/firms for On-Call Architect/Design Services associated with performing various municipal construction and/or renovation projects, as needed, for a three-year period. The City of Watertown may select up to three (3) qualified individuals/firms to perform such services. Qualified individuals/firms are requested to submit their proposals to the Procurement Department, Watertown City Hall, 149 Main Street, Watertown, MA, in accordance with the instructions contained within the Request for Qualifications (RFQ). 

Qualified individuals/firms may obtain a complete copy of the RFQ starting on Wednesday, April 10, 2024. Copies may be obtained electronically online, at no cost, by completing the registration page on the City’s website at Scroll to the project title and, at the bottom of the project description, click on the link titled “Link to request bid materials”. If you have any questions on how to register, please email:

All proposals must be received by 11:00 a.m. on Wednesday, May 1, 2024 to be considered.

The City of Watertown may cancel this RFQ or reject in whole or in part any and all proposals, if they determine that cancellation or rejection serves the best interest of the City of Watertown.


City of Watertown Historic District Commission - Remote Public Hearing - April 25, 2023, 7 p.m. for a requested Certificate of Appropriateness for 195 Mt. Auburn St. for new granite stairs to access the porch and side entrance (where handicap ramp was located) and lattice that would replace the remnants of previously installed and now removed glass panels (used as an entrance to funeral home/business). The project also includes repair/replacement of front entrance stairs using in kind materials, as allowed in the District.

Confirm meeting link on the agenda 48 hours prior to the meeting found on the City Meeting Portal.


Watertown Zoning Board of Appeals Public Hearing: Wednesday, April 24, 2024, at 7:00 p.m. Council Chambers, Administration Building, 149 Main St., Watertown, MA in-person with remote access link on the Agenda 48 hours prior to the meeting.

71 Webster St-Jenna & Eric Figueiredo request a Special Permit Finding in accordance with §4.06 (a)Alteration of Non-Conforming Structures to allow construction within pre-existing non-conforming left setback for a mudroom. Single Family (S-6) Zoning District. ZBA-2024-06.


Watertown Zoning Board of Appeals Public Hearing: Wednesday, April 24, 2024, at 7:00 p.m. Council Chambers, Administration Building, 149 Main St., Watertown, MA in-person with remote access link on the Agenda 48 hours prior to the meeting.

3-5 Grenville Rd-Kaspar & Susan Torosian, Trustees request a Special Permit Finding in accordance with §4.06 (a)Alteration of Non-Conforming Structures to allow construction within pre-existing non-conforming rear and front setbacks for new front and rear dormers. Single Family (S-6) Zoning District. ZBA-2024-05.


Watertown City Council Public Hearing: Tuesday, April 9, 2024, 7:00 pm, Council Chamber, Administration Building, 149 Main St, Watertown, MAwith remote access link on the Agenda posted 48 hours prior to the meeting.

To consider Watertown Zoning Ordinance amendments for Short-Term Rentals as a Use Category (replacing a previous renting of rooms use category) with supporting language, definitions, and a section for the requirements to operate short-term rentals as an accessory use within certain residential dwelling units.


Sealed bids for the Watertown Middle School Band/Chorus/Counseling Rooms Sound Attenuation Project Contract No. 2024-072 614.26A for the City of Watertown, Massachusetts, will be received at the Office of the Chief Procurement Officer, 149 Main Street, Watertown, MA 02472, until 10:00 am prevailing time, on April 11, 2024, at which time and place said bids will be publicly opened and read aloud.

Pre-Bid Conference and Site Visit will be held at the Watertown Middle School, 68 Waverley Avenue, Watertown, MA, on Thursday, April 4, 2024 at 3pm. This pre-bid conference will assemble outside the main office.  All parties attending are required to sign in at the main office and provide a valid photo ID prior to the start of the conference. 

The scope of work includes providing sound attenuation to the Middle School Band Room, Chorus Room, and Counseling Room area, and other work indicated in the Bid Contract Documents.

Bidders may obtain sets of bid contract documents starting on Wednesday, March 20, 2024. Copies may be obtained electronically online at no cost by completing the registration page on the City’s website at  Scroll to the project title, and at the bottom of the project description, click on the link titled “Link to request bid materials”.  If you have any questions on how to register, please email: Addenda will be sent via email to all plan holders that have registered with the website. 

The minimum wages to be paid for all labor on the project are established in a schedule issued by the Department of Labor and Workforce Development.


In accordance with the Demolition Delay Ordinance, the Watertown Historical Commission will hold a remote meeting and hearing- March 14, 2024, at 7 PM, to determine if the house at 10 Harnden Ave. is preferably preserved and if a demolition delay will be imposed.  Confirm the meeting link on the agenda, 48 hours prior to the meeting.


In accordance with the Demolition Delay Ordinance, the Watertown Historical Commission will hold a remote meeting and hearing- March 14, 2024, at 7 PM, to determine if the house at 52 York Ave. is preferably preserved and if a demolition delay will be imposed.  Confirm the meeting link on the agenda, 48 hours prior to meeting.

Annual Whitney Hill Informational Meeting

Annual Whitney Hill Report 2023

Annual Whitney Hill Informational Meeting

Conservation Commission

Meeting will be held on Wednesday, March 6, 2024 @ 7 pm via Zoom

Dear Resident:

As you may know, in 2013 the Watertown City Council voted to preserve the area of land known as Whitney Hill as parkland. The Council also resolved that the Conservation Commission should annually provide a recommended plan for maintenance and educational activities for the park.

The Conservation Commission would like to invite the abutters of Whitney Hill Park to our March 6, 2024, public meeting to discuss the activities the Commission has been part of since the land was designated as parkland.  More importantly, the Commission would like to hear resident input on the upkeep and stewardship of the only forested woodland park in Watertown.

The meeting will be held at 7:00 PM remotely on Zoom. 

Please obtain the meeting link on the agenda on the Meetings portal of the City Website within 48 hours of the meeting. 

Please contact the Conservation Commission office if you have any questions at 617-972-6426.


Watertown Zoning Board of Appeals Public Hearing: Wednesday, February 28, 2024, at 7:00 p.m. Council Chambers, Administration Building, 149 Main St., Watertown, MA with remote access link on the Agenda 48 hours prior to the meeting.

390 Arsenal Street-NS AJO Holdings, Inc d/b/a Ethos Cannabis/Natural Selections requests an Amendment to Special Permit ZBA-2020-21 SP to change the closing time from 8 PM to 10 PM in accordance with §5.01.5 for Adult Use Marijuana Establishment and Medical Marijuana Treatment Center. Located in the RMUD (Regional Mixed Use District) Zoning District. ZBA 2024-03.


Watertown Zoning Board of Appeals Public Hearing: Wednesday, February 28, 2024, at 7:00 p.m. Council Chambers, Administration Building, 149 Main St., Watertown, MA with remote access link on the Agenda 48 hours prior to the meeting.

18 Lovell Rd-Joshua Heiber and Cara Kimberg request the Zoning Board of Appeals grant a Special Permit Finding in accordance with §4.06 (a)Alteration of Non-Conforming Structures to allow construction within existing non-conforming front and side yard setbacks to construct a second floor above an existing sunroom/garage. Located in the Single Family (S-6) Zoning District. ZBA-2024-02.


Watertown Zoning Board of Appeals Public Hearing: Wednesday, February 28, 2024, at 7:00 p.m. Council Chambers, Administration Building, 149 Main St., Watertown, MA with remote access link on the Agenda 48 hours prior to the meeting.

20 Irving Park-Douglas and Lauren Syer request the Zoning Board of Appeals grant a Special Permit Finding in accordance with §4.06 (a)Alteration of Non-Conforming Structures to allow construction within existing non-conforming rear yard setback and increasing existing non-conforming FAR to construct a mudroom/rear entryway and an office. Located in the Two Family (T) Zoning District. ZBA-2024-04.


Watertown Zoning Board of Appeals Public Hearing: Wednesday, February 28, 2024, at 7:00 p.m. Council Chambers, Administration Building, 149 Main St., Watertown, MA with remote access link on the Agenda 48 hours prior to the meeting.

20 Thurston Rd-Ming Qiao request the Zoning Board of Appeals grant a Special Permit Finding in accordance with §4.06 (a)Alteration of Non-Conforming Structures to allow construction within existing non-conforming front and side yard setbacks to construct a full second story and a new half story within a new roof. Located in the Two Family (T) Zoning District. ZBA-2024-01.

Public Notice—Rescheduled Hearing Date

In accordance with the Demolition Delay Ordinance, the Watertown Historical Commission will hold a remote meeting and hearing- February 28, 2024, at 7 PM, to determine if the house at 53 Pleasant St. is preferably preserved and if a demolition delay will be imposed. Confirm the meeting link on the agenda, 48 hours prior to meeting.

Public Notice—Rescheduled Hearing Date

In accordance with the Demolition Delay Ordinance, the Watertown Historical Commission will hold a remote meeting and hearing- February 28, 2024, at 7 PM, to determine if the building at 104-106 Main St. is preferably preserved and if a demolition delay will be imposed. Confirm the meeting link on the agenda, 48 hours prior to meeting.


Sealed bids for the Wayfinding Signage Project Contract No. 2024-40 for the City of Watertown, Massachusetts, will be received at the Office of the Chief Procurement Officer, 149 Main Street, Watertown, MA 02472, until 11:00 am prevailing time, on February 21, 2024, at which time and place said bids will be publicly opened and read aloud.

The work includes fabrication of all sign types indicated on the drawings; site survey to verify existing conditions and dimensions; creation of a sign message schedule; creation of sign location plans; creation of shop drawings, layouts, samples, prototypes; sign fabrication; replacement sign faces; furnish and install all supports and footings, and installation of all fabricated signs.

Bidders may obtain sets of bid contract documents starting on Wednesday, January 31, 2024. Copies may be obtained electronically online at no cost by completing the registration page on the City’s website at .  Scroll to the project title, and at the bottom of the project description, click on the link titled “Link to request bid materials”.  If you have any questions on how to register, please email: . Addenda will be sent via email to all plan holders that have registered with the website. 

The minimum wages to be paid for all labor on the project are established in a schedule issued by the Department of Labor and Workforce Development.


RFQ# 2024-36

The CITY OF WATERTOWN, by and through the Watertown Historical Commission, is seeking responses from qualified historic preservation consultants to undertake the “Southside Historic Properties Survey.” Responses must be received at the Procurement Department, Watertown Administration Building, 149 Main Street, Watertown, Massachusetts 02472, on or before 11 AM, January 24, 2024.

The CITY OF WATERTOWN will award a contract resulting from this solicitation to the responsible vendor whose offer meets the stated requirements for project experience, sample products, qualifications, project approach, client references, and the lowest price.

Bidders may obtain sets of bid contract documents starting on January 3, 2024. Copies may be obtained electronically online at no cost by completing the registration page on the City’s website at Scroll to the project title, and at the bottom of the project description, click on the link titled “Link to request bid materials”. If you have any questions on how to register, please email: Addenda will be sent via email to all plan holders that have registered with the website.

Vendors must meet the following minimum qualifications: a Bachelor’s degree in Historic Preservation, Architectural History, History, Art History, or a closely related field, plus at least five years full time experience in an area relevant to the project; or a Master’s degree in any of the above-mentioned areas and at least three years full-time experience in an area relevant to the project.

Questions regarding the RFQ must be written and e-mailed to

Brian Wyncoop
Chief Procurement Officer


In accordance with the Demolition Delay Ordinance, the Watertown Historical Commission will hold a remote meeting and hearing- January 11, 2024, at 7 PM, to determine if the house at 21 Fayette St. is preferably preserved and if a demolition delay will be imposed. Confirm the meeting link on the agenda, 48 hours prior to meeting.


Sealed bids for the Saltonstall Field and Court Lighting Replacement Project Contract No. 2024-09 for the City of Watertown, Massachusetts, will be received at the Office of the Chief Procurement Officer, 149 Main Street, Watertown, MA 02472, until 11:00 am prevailing time, on December 20, 2023, at which time and place said bids will be publicly opened and read aloud.

The work includes installation of erosion controls, turf protection system, demolition, clearing, removals and disposal of the existing sports field lighting system and court lighting system, furnishing and installation of a new sports field lighting system and court lighting system including new light poles, foundations, conduit, controls, and camera system, earthwork related to conduit trenching, and providing final cover over disturbed areas including pavement over trenches in driveways, concrete pads if damaged, concrete pavers, loaming, sodding of all disturbed areas as indicated on the drawings in the Bid Contract Documents.

Bidders may obtain sets of bid contract documents starting on Wednesday, November 29, 2023. Copies may be obtained electronically online at no cost by completing the registration page on the City’s website at  Scroll to the project title, and at the bottom of the project description, click on the link titled “Link to request bid materials”.  If you have any questions on how to register, please email: Addenda will be sent via email to all plan holders that have registered with the website. 

The minimum wages to be paid for all labor on the project are established in a schedule issued by the Department of Labor and Workforce Development.


Watertown Planning Board Public Hearing: Wednesday, December 13, 2023, 7:00 p.m. Council Chamber, Administration Building, 149 Main St., Watertown, MA, with remote access link on the agenda posted 48 hours prior to the meeting.

9-11-13 Boyd St—First Path Daycare. d/b/a First Path Day Care Center (Owner: Maksim Bolyasnyy, Petitioner: Aleksandra Pikus) requests the Planning Board grant a site plan review approval in accordance with WZO § 5.01 (2) (a) (2) and Licensed day care use as defined by M.G.L.c. 40A, § 3, for the conversion to a daycare use of the industrial portion of a mixed-use and nonconforming building and site. Located in the Two-Family (T) Zoning District. PB-2023-05.


Sealed bids for the Arsenal Park Improvements Project Phase B Contract No. 2024-08 for the City of Watertown, Massachusetts, will be received at the Office of the Purchasing Agent, 149 Main Street, Watertown, MA 02472, until 2:00 pm prevailing time, on December 12, 2023, at which time and place said bids will be publicly opened and read aloud.

The scope of work includes demolition, clearing, removals and disposal of an existing multi-purpose court area, tot lot area, spray park area, parking lot and entrance area, court and park lighting and miscellaneous removals of fencing, park amenities, utilities and existing concrete slabs/foundations required for installation of new appurtenances.

Furnishing and installing a new community garden and appurtenances, skatepark and appurtenances, a multi-purpose court area including (2) basketball courts, (3) tennis courts and appurtenances, a court lighting system, a court plaza area with picnic shelter, seat walls, planters, tables and benches, re-paving and adding accessibility improvements at the existing parking area, pathway and parking area lighting system, a new entrance plaza, brick entrance piers, park entrance sign and flagpole and baseball backstop.

Furnishing and installing a new playground area, spray park area, paving, safety surfacing and appurtenances. The majority of the play equipment in the playground area will be furnished by Owner. Installing play equipment including foundations and appurtenances furnished by Owner. Furnishing and installing select play equipment foundations and appurtenances. Furnishing and installing utilities for the spray park area.

Furnishing and installing new fixtures and miscellaneous improvements to the existing restroom building, existing picnic shelter at the court area and existing gazebo at the playground area.

Furnishing and installing a stormwater infiltration system, stormwater system improvements, sewer connection for the spray park, pathway paving, rain gardens, landscaping, loaming, and seeding as indicated on the drawings in the Bid Contract Documents.

Bidders may obtain sets of bid contract documents starting on Wednesday, November 15, 2023. Copies may be obtained electronically online at no cost by completing the registration page on the City’s website at  Scroll to the project title, and at the bottom of the project description, click on the link titled “Link to request bid materials”.  If you have any questions on how to register, please email: . Addenda will be sent via email to all plan holders that have registered with the website. 

The minimum wages to be paid for all labor on the project are established in a schedule issued by the Department of Labor and Workforce Development.


FY25 Real Property Revaluation FY25 Personal Property Update including CAMA Upgrade

The City of Watertown invites proposals from qualified professionals to update all Real and Personal Property for Fiscal Year 2025. Written SEALED proposals for this project, in accordance with the Information, Instructions, and Specifications, will be received until 2:00 p.m. E.S.T. on Thursday, December 14, 2023, at the Procurement Department c/o Chief Procurement Officer, Watertown City Hall, 149 Main Street, Watertown, MA 02472. Late submissions will not be accepted. The City of Watertown reserves the right to reject any or all proposals as determined to be in the best interests of the City and to waive minor informalities. Interested parties shall include and return all the required information.

Proposers may obtain sets of project contract documents starting on Wednesday, November 15, 2023. Copies may be obtained electronically online at no cost by completing the registration page on the City’s website at Scroll to the project title, and at the bottom of the project description, click on the link titled “Link to request bid materials”. If you have any questions on how to register, please email: Addenda will be sent via email to all plan holders that have registered with the website. 

Issued by: Brian Wyncoop – MCPPO
City of Watertown – Chief Procurement Officer



The City of Watertown is seeking contractors interested in Snow Plowing, Salting and Sanding. Contractors may now request application packages at the office of the Chief Procurement Officer, 149 Main Street, Watertown, MA, 02472 or at 

Parties interested in applying to be selected for Snow Plowing, Salting and Sanding work for the City of Watertown, MUST submit the following package to the Chief Procurement Officer:

  1. Fill in & complete the two page “Snow Equipment Price List 2023-2024” for all equipment.
  2. Fill in & complete the four-page City of Watertown Contract
  3. Fill in & sign the attached W-9 tax form
  4. Provide evidence of Liability Insurance coverage, for the categories & dollar amounts listed on page two of the Contract.  This certificate MUST name the City of Watertown as the Certificate Holder.  The policy coverage period must cover the entire period of this contract.

Partial or incomplete application packages will not be accepted.  Once a completed application package is received, it will be reviewed by the Department of Public Works.  Snow Plowing services are exempt from bidding pursuant to Massachusetts General Law chapter 30B, section 1(b)(17).  If your application is approved, the City of Watertown Procurement Department will then sign & process the contract that you returned in your application and send a completed copy back to you for your records.

All snow contractors that are successfully contracted by the City of Watertown acknowledge and agree that they are acting as an independent contractor for all work and services rendered pursuant to the signed contract, and shall not be considered an employee or agent of the City of Watertown for any purpose.  In addition, all contractors shall indemnify, defend, and hold the City actions, costs, and expenses, including attorney’s fees, arising out of the Contractor’s breach of this Contract or the negligence or misconduct of the Contractor, or the Contractor’s agents or employees.

The City of Watertown reserves the right to reject any and all offers for service or to waive any informality in the procedures, if deemed in the City’s best interest.  Application packages will be available beginning October 25, 2023.  Preference will be given to those applications received by November 8, 2023.  Application packages may be obtained at the Office of the Chief Procurement Officer at City Hall, 149 Main Street, Watertown, MA, 02472 or by email request to  Applications may also be downloaded on the City of Watertown’s Procurement Department webpage.  This is not a public bid opening. It is anticipated that multiple awards will be made to various vendors for this service at the sole discretion of the Department of Public Works.

Office Hours: M-F 8:30 – 5:00 p.m.

Brian Wyncoop - Chief Procurement Officer
City of Watertown
149 Main Street
Watertown, MA 02472


Sealed bids for the John A. Ryan Hockey Arena Vertical Lift Project Contract No. 2024-13 for the City of Watertown, Massachusetts, will be received at the Office of the Chief Procurement Officer, 149 Main Street, Watertown, MA 02472, until 11:00 am prevailing time, on November 7, 2023, at which time and place said bids will be publicly opened and read aloud.

The scope of work includes purchase, delivery, and installation of a Vertical Lift as indicated on the drawings in the Bid Contract Documents.

Bidders may obtain sets of bid contract documents starting on Wednesday, October 18, 2023. Copies may be obtained electronically online at no cost by completing the registration page on the City’s website at  Scroll to the project title, and at the bottom of the project description, click on the link titled “Link to request bid materials”.  If you have any questions on how to register, please email: Addenda will be sent via email to all plan holders that have registered with the website. 

The minimum wages to be paid for all labor on the project are established in a schedule issued by the Department of Labor and Workforce Development.


Watertown Zoning Board of Appeals Public Hearing: Wednesday, October 25, 2023, at 7:00 p.m. Council Chambers, Administration Building, 149 Main St., Watertown, MA with remote access link on the Agenda 48 hours prior to the meeting.

221 Acton St-Edward and Claudia Hall request the Zoning Board of Appeals grant a Special Permit Finding in accordance with §4.06 (a)Alteration of Non-Conforming Structures to allow a full second story, a half-story attic and new roof within existing non-conforming front and rear yard setbacks. Located in the Single Family (S-6) Zoning District. ZBA-2023-10.


Watertown Zoning Board of Appeals Public Hearing: Wednesday, October 25, 2023, at 7:00 p.m. Council Chambers, Administration Building, 149 Main St., Watertown, MA with remote access link on the Agenda 48 hours prior to the meeting.

9, 11, and 13 Boyd Street- First Path Daycare Inc. d/b/a First Path Day Care Center (Owner: The University Prints Building, LLC) requests the Zoning Board of Appeals grant an Appeal to the Determination of the Zoning Enforcement Officer (ZEO) in accordance with §9.19 of the Watertown Zoning Ordinance (WZO) specific to the application of §5.01(2)(a)(1) of the WZO and M.G.L. c. 40A, sections 8,13, 15, 16, and 17 to reverse the determination of the ZEO made on August 14, 2023 that the conversion of a portion of a mixed-use site for the proposed daycare project requires site plan review approval by the Planning Board prior to a building permit being issued. Located in the Two-Family (T) Zoning District. ZBA 2023-11.


Watertown Zoning Board of Appeals Public Hearing: Wednesday, October 25, 2023, at 7:00 p.m. Council Chambers, Administration Building, 149 Main St., Watertown, MA with remote access link on the Agenda 48 hours prior to the meeting.

94 Stoneleigh Rd-Meredith Packer & Tiago Silva request the Zoning Board of Appeals grant a Special Permit Finding in accordance with §4.06 (a)Alteration of Non-Conforming Structures to allow a new roof and second story on a single-family structure within non-conforming side yard setbacks. Located in the Single Family (S-10) Zoning District. ZBA-2023-09.


Watertown Planning Board Continued Public Hearing: Wednesday, October 11, 2023, 7:00 p.m. Council Chamber, Administration Building, 149 Main St., Watertown, MA, with remote access link on the agenda posted 48 hours prior to the meeting.

550 Arsenal St(and 446, 458, 500 and 550 Arsenal St) - Alexandria Real Estate Equities, Inc (ARE); Master Plan Special Permit with Site Plan Review for the “Watertown Mall Transformation Project.” The proposed master plan would create a new mix of uses within a development that spans 4 existing parcels, carried out in phases, with laboratory/R&D, residential, retail, office, commercial and amenity space within 8 buildings (Target/building to remain), with supporting structured and surface parking. Pursuant to: §5.01.1 (k) mixed use development greater than three residential units; §5.01.5 (a,c,e,j) new construction light industry, office, lab & R&D; §5.01.3 (a,b,c,e,f,g,h,i,j) business, office and consumer service uses including retail, commercial; §4.06(a) alteration of non-conforming structure (Target); §4.10 increased height rooftop mechanicals and screening; §4.11(d) expanded build to line; §5.05(f) increased contiguous walls and building length in keeping with Design Guidelines; §5.05 (i) and §5.18 (c) (2) increase FAR; §5.18 (c) (5) (B) height as part of the Master Plan Special Permit; §6.01 (e, g) TDM/parking management for cross site shared parking provided on another lot; §5.18, §9.03- 9.05, §9.09-9.13 All in keeping with the Design Guidelines, the intent and purpose of the RMUD. Located in the RMUD (Regional Mixed Use District) Zoning District. PB 2023-01.

Published in


Watertown Zoning Board of Appeals Public Hearing: Wednesday, September 27, 2023, at 7:00 p.m. Council Chambers, Administration Building, 149 Main St., Watertown, MA with remote access link on the Agenda 48 hours prior to the meeting.

200 Palfrey St-Hasan Rahim- Requests a Variance in accordance with §9.04 for relief from §5.04 Table of Dimensional Regulations to allow the southwesterly side yard setback to be decreased along the length of the building with a varied setback (9.1 to 7.1 feet front to rear), where 10’ is required, because of conflicting survey at completion of the project. Located in the Single Family (S-6) Zoning District. ZBA-2023-08.


RFQ # 2024-004

The CITY OF WATERTOWN, by and through the Watertown Historical Commission, is seeking responses from qualified historic preservation consultants to undertake the “Southside Historic Properties Survey.” Responses must be received at the Procurement Department, Watertown Administration Building, 149 Main Street, Watertown, Massachusetts 02472, on or before 11AM, September 29, 2023.

The CITY OF WATERTOWN will award a contract resulting from this solicitation to the responsible vendor whose offer meets the stated requirements for project experience, sample products, qualifications, project approach, and client references, and the lowest price.

Bidders may obtain sets of bid contract documents starting on August 28, 2023. Copies may be obtained electronically online at no cost by completing the registration page on the City’s website at Scroll to the project title, and at the bottom of the project description, click on the link titled “Link to request bid materials”. If you have any questions on how to register, please email: Addenda will be sent via email to all plan holders that have registered with the website.

Vendors must meet the following minimum qualifications: a Bachelor’s degree in Historic Preservation, Architectural History, History, Art History, or a closely related field, plus at least five years full time experience in an area relevant to the project; or a Master’s degree in any of the above-mentioned areas and at least three years full-time experience in an area relevant to the project.

Questions regarding the RFQ must be written and e-mailed to
Brian Wyncoop
Chief Procurement Officer

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